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Chiya Electric Technology Co.,ltd.



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How to select the type of distribution cabinet
Addtime:2024-04-11 Clicks:

The distribution box is to ensure the safety of electricity, so in shopping malls, commercial buildings, power plants, mines or construction sites are used in the distribution cabinet, so how should we choose the distribution cabinet model, and what aspects should be considered.

First, first of all, clarify your own needs, according to your actual situation, choose the most suitable distribution cabinet type. This is the most basic principle that should be followed in terms of selection;

Second, secondly, we should use more well-known domestic distribution armatures, distribution box manufacturers of domestic distribution cabinet cabinet type, do not blindly choose the technical reference of the higher imported brand cabinet. Since the brand of the main components used in the imported distribution cabinet is not necessarily the same as the cabinet, special attention needs to be paid to the parameters of the main components when choosing the imported distribution cabinet. If the parameters of some components can not meet the requirements, it is not appropriate to choose the imported distribution cabinet.

Third, if the existing distribution cabinet model of the distribution cabinet manufacturer can not meet the demand, it is necessary to provide drawings or put forward their own needs to the distribution cabinet manufacturer.

Finally, remind everyone that all products that come into contact with electricity should pay attention to safety, and the distribution cabinet cannot be made of combustible materials, which is a very important common sense. The power distribution cabinet must be used in a certain occasion to ensure safe use, even if an accident occurs, it must be kept within a certain control range. Follow the news on this site to learn more about related product information.